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Old Sat Sep 02, 2006, 01:06pm
SanDiegoSteve SanDiegoSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by Old Time Ump
I believe it was Frank Umont hurrying in from the outer edge of the infield (that was the appropriate 'mechanics' in those days in the American) who tripped and fell on a runner attempting to steal second about six feet short of the bag.
I'd love to hear all about this mechanic. You mean on a steal attempt, the umpire is to run in from the outfield grass line and try to beat the runner to the inside to make the call? Sounds kinda screwy to me.

Originally Posted by Old Time Ump
Frank was a huge man who didnt have a lot of mobility and the runner was stopped dead in his tracks. What would you have done?
First, this wouldn't have happened to me. But let's say it did:

"Time! I'm big fat Frank Umont who shouldn't be in professional baseball, God where's my spare hot dog? You, Mr. Runner are out. Where's my cigarettes??? Oh, there they are. Thank God, I thought I'd lost 'em, jeez. Anyways, as I was sayin', your out Mr. Base Runner, and I should go drop a few hundred pounds and come back when I'm not so freakin' uncoordinated. I'll see youse later."

Originally Posted by Old Time Ump
And the reason I asked about the runner's manager was I was curious to know if you survived.
I've had managers and coaches ream my butt up one side and down the other, and finished each and every game on the field, which these managers and coaches did not accomplish.
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25