Interesting...being just "across the river" I have worked Coach Smith's teams before - both in season and in summer ball, and he has always been a piece of cake to work for... I wonder what was said...we have a coach in our area (boy's varsity coach)who likes to sit in the stands and harass the jv officials...our stand (and confirmed by the State) has been that if he gets tossed, he is free to come back to do the varsity game - on a very short leash...I have walked over to him during a jv game and told him "Those two people are friends of mine, and you screaming at them is putting me in a real bad mood tonight" at which point he left the gym until his game...right or wrong, it worked...varsity coaches shouldn't be screaming at jv officials...I believe that is one of the main reasons young, up-and-comers quit reffing...