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Old Tue Jan 15, 2002, 11:56am
Mike M Mike M is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 73
Two Way Street

I am in the lucky position to work on regular basis with a very experienced umpire. As a result, he has helped improve my game in numerous ways. Prior to the game, we can go into the finer points of 2 man coverage since we have established working system. During the game, I trust him and that allows to focus my responsibilities. After the game, he provides with valuable feedback on my progress.

As for what I attempt to do to help him, I make every effort to honest communication. If he asks me about his performance or feedback, I do so honestly and directly. I believe even the most experienced umpires wants to hear from someone they trust. In addition, I am able to spend time on the Internet and I pass along as much interesting material as I can.
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