Originally Posted by Illini_Ref
The test date is passed, so I don't think it really matters if the questions and answers are shared does it? We were allowed to take the test with us when we left, so I assume the test date is the same nation-wide.
This is still within the week of the test in Illinois. It is very likely not everyone took the test on Tuesday in Illinois. There are still people that would use these answers and get a leg up. So I would not be giving out the answers or giving out the questions before someone has taken the test. Unless you want to be considered cheating on this test, we should not be discussing any questions.
DISCLAIMER: I personally see no value in these tests as tools to promote people in our state. I think taking these tests do not show officiating ability in any way or even real rules knowledge. I just find it funny that there are certain people who will flame people if this question is asked before the test, but do not realize there are people that likely have not actually taken the test. I know last year I took the test later in the week because I was not available to take the test on the testing day.