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Old Thu Aug 31, 2006, 11:26am
canump canump is offline
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Thanks for the input guys, or gals, who knows.
Both umps who worked this game had the same brain fart at the same time. I agree with Mcrowder & Cecilone and all the rest of you.
Coach it was an umpires error that the runner was not removed after being called out, the out does stand and she is removed from 3rd base. There is no penalty on the play and so. now coach if you want to chew my ear off for a bit go ahead but lets keep it abit on the civil side, I'm embarrassed enough.
Or something along those lines.
After conferring with his partner, they called the 2 coaches together and ruled. Rule 10. He said that there was no rule in the book to cover this situation so he nulified the play. R3 back on 3rd, batter back up to bat with count as was before pitch and the out recorded on first base.
It was after the game when they were conferring again at their cars that he figured he should have handled it differently.
After a bit of discussion with offensive coach who rightly argued the game got underway with the visiting team winning by 4.
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