Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
Fair weather fans.....
Lot of beisbol left and a lot can happen....
Do you think, after watching them over the last 6 weeks, that the Sox have any legitimate hope of reaching the playoffs? I'm not disavowing them. I'm just saying that 8 games behind the Yankees on August 31 -- and
dropping -- leaves them out of October baseball. If they were the Twins, say, and were 8 games behind the Tigers -- but had been moving
up the standings over the last 3 weeks -- I'd give them some chance.
But any realistic person, I think, has to say that the Red Sox will not make up that ground in the next 4 1/2 weeks. If they do, I'll be ecstatic and will gladly admit that I'm wrong right now. But I don't see how they can do it with the pitching they have and the really bad offense they're showing.