how should this been handled.
This past weekend I was having a few brown pops ,ha ha, with a fellow ump from out of town. After a few each he asked me how I would of handled this situation that happened to him last year. It was the final game of a best of 5 championship series for a ladies league they ump.
Top ot the 5th, R1 on 2nd with 1 out, score was 4 to 2 for the visiting team.
Batter hit a hard bouncer to the F5 who bobbled it a bit then throws a rocket to F3 to retire the BR on a bang, bang play. My buddy was the plate ump, he had followed the BR a couple of steps as he is supposed to, held watching the BR all the way to first, just as the play happened he released and hustled back around the plate for any possible play at home or third, as he tuned he heard his partner yell OUT.for the call at first.
R1 had taken a walking lead waiting for the throw to 1st, then took off for 3rd. F3 came off the bag throwing to F6 who was covering 3rd. Safe was the call at 3rd. The visiting team was sitting on the first base bench had started to yell that F3 had come off the bag and they told the BR to stay on the bag.The throw to 3rd got away from F6 and R1 took a couple steps but hustled back to the bag. The home team calls a time out to go over whatever it is that they talk about during a conference.
So after the conference they get set to play with a runner on 3rd, or so they thought. The BR who had been called out had stayed on first after her bench told her to even though she admitted to hearing the word OUT.
Now my buddy knows he messed up by not making sure everything is OK to start. The next batter hits a single between F7 & CF scoring the runner from 3rd. Much to my buddies surprise there is a play at 3rd with a runner sliding into 3rd and again the base ump calls safe. When the play is over both umps look at each other with a surprised look but then hustle back to their positions. Both had thought that this runner came from second, not realizing that, (1) there was no runner on 2nd. (2) that the BR from the previous play had stayed on 1st.
The plate ump was just getting ready to signal the pitch to start pitching to the next batter when the home team coach called time and came out to talk to him. coach-" Umpy she was out" ump " Who was out" coach " she was out" pointing to the runner on 3rd. ump " no she was safe by a good step and if you want to talk about it you have to talk to my partner as it was his call"
coach "no, no umpy she was out at first base the play before."
Then all the lights started to go off in my buddies head as he just realized what happened.
I will tell you all what he did, how he handled it, but first I'd like to see what you guys think should have been done.