Thread: 2006 Nfhs Exam
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Old Wed Aug 30, 2006, 09:43am
FMadera FMadera is offline
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Rules references included

Originally Posted by wildcatksu
3. Team A has transpertaton issues and, therefore, has only five players tobegin the match. The officials should allow the match to begin.

12. The assistant scorer (Libero Tracker) shall notify the umpire if the libero is replaced by an incorrect player. They notify the official scorer to sound a signal at the time the ball is contacted for the serve when their is improper replacement and they notify the umpire during the first dead ball when there is a discrepancy with a replacement. So is it true or false because they can also notify the scorer first in some instances.
5-6-3-b. This IS a "discrepancy with a replacement," and they don't have to wait (nor should they) until the ball is dead to notify the umpire if they are sure about the error. The question doesn't specify when they notify the umpire. Stop overthinking the question.

72. Legal uniforms During the game a second player from team s is discovered wearing earrings. The referee assesses team s with unnecessary delay and charges a time out. t or fWhat if there is no time out, isn't it a loss of point?
9-9-1-Penalty. The penalty for first offense is time out. If it is their third time out, the penalty for excessive timeouts is loss of rally. Subsequent penalties (4-1) are loss of rally. Again, stop overthinking the question.
Then right below it there is this:
73. In the prematch warmup, s2 is wearing earrings. The referee requires s2 to remove the earings and charges team s with unnecessary delay/time out.
I guess I am confussed because I read them the same. I think I am trying to think it through too much. HELP!
We never "require" someone to remove jewelry, only tell them that they cannot participate with the jewelry on.

76. Only five players for team A have arrived at game time. The official can grant the coach's request for a time-out to give his/her players time to arrive. Again this transportation thing.

Also can you take both timeouts before the game starts. There is nothing in the book to say you can't that I find.
Don't you love when you can answer your own questions?

79. Non-playing team members may stand behind the bench in the warm up area to watch the game. The rules state they may warm up without a ball. So is this False because it says watching instead of warming up.
Again, don't you love when you can answer your own questions?

90, Play should continue if CF on Team S reaches across the net, makes no contact with the ball, but touches team R setters hands after the ball has left teh setters hands. Assume False but can not find in book.
See Case Book Situation 9.6.3.

92. S1 is awarded a reserve. S1 serves two more points before being substititued by S8. S8 requires a reserve on the next serve. The referee should deny s8's request for a reserve and award a loss of rally/point to the other team. Assume true since you only get one reserve per serve.
See Case Book Situation 8.1.4.

99. A player reaches over the bleachers to save pass and then falls into the bleachers following the contact.

100. A substitute approaches the sub zone but returns to his/her seat before being recongized by the umpire.
If it doesn't cause a delay, don't look for trouble. Similar to Case Book 10.2.7.
Felix A. Madera
USAV Indoor National / Beach Zonal Referee
FIVB Qualified International Scorer
PAVO National Referee / Certified Line Judge/Scorer
WIAA/IHSA Volleyball Referee

Last edited by FMadera; Wed Aug 30, 2006 at 03:37pm.
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