Originally Posted by Rich Fronheiser
Your profile doesn't say what state you're in, but I'm in Wisconsin and there are varsity crews that wear white shorts here. I see them on the highlights on the news while we're post-gaming at the local water hole.
It will be a cold day in hell before my crew wears shorts for a varsity game. As long as I'm the WH and the CC, we wear knickers -- 10 degrees or 110 degrees. Matter of fact, I don't OWN football shorts, so we wear knickers for freshman and JV games, too.
The state won't allow us to wear black shirts for baseball but allows shorts in varsity football games. I don't understand it.
I'm in New York and I agree with you 100%, I spoke to my crew for my Saturday morning JV game and told them we will be wearing shorts, period. I would never wear them outside of little league if it were my choice.