Her: "Well ... It's really slow."
Me: "Slow? What do you mean?"
Her: "It seemed like it took you forEVER to call a strike."
Me: "Nah, hon ... it just seems like forever."
Her: "Really. I've never seen that before. It made you look like you were hesitant, not sure of your call."
Me: "Well, kinda hesitating. I look at the pitch, retrace it quickly, quietly say "yes" to the catcher and hitter, and bang it."
Her: "It just looks stupid, you calling a strike when the ball is going back to the pitcher. Didn't anyone else complain?"
Me: "No, in fact the catchers liked it that I said 'yes' before banging it."
Her: "Well, it looks stupid, but you must have had good game. I didn't hear anyone in the stands say anything about your zone."
I agree that calling balls/strikes too soon is wrong, But if you're doing your strike mechanics when the ball is on its way back to the mound- seems wayy too slow, and your wife has a point!