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Old Tue Aug 29, 2006, 09:26am
FootballRef05 FootballRef05 is offline
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Originally Posted by William C
I was wondering what was going on.
I do know --somehow folks have gotten it before hand.
I do know a guy that got a call once and the caller said he had the answers.
My friend knew the rule book backwards and forwards --but wrote the answers down --to check them after he took the test.
He ended up making in the high 90's. If he had used the answers that were given to him --he'd have made in the 60's !!!!
So -- I'd be leery of using answers that were given to you.
I have been given the answers in the past and use them only as a check once I took the exam. Most of the answers were correct, but I was certain they would be in my case because of the source I got them from.

Honestly, you can't depend on passing the test because you have the answer, they won't help you out on the football field. I scored a 96 last year and usually score in the mid 90's without any help. Read the rule book and case book and there shouldn't be any issues with passing.
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