Originally Posted by btaylor64
1) Everything I post I have taken from some very high level officials, and I assume that to be the best you have to learn from the best and that is just what I am doing and trying to express here.
2) Jurassic Referee I understand what you are meaning in replying to my post. I believe you are saying that almost always is too much and that I'm saying that a trip or tangle of feet is always a foul. I am not saying that and I shouldn't have used 99% as how much I call this. I agree 100% with you about each play having its own merit and should be judged as such, but like someone said earlier it is a whole lot easier to sell a trip foul than to no call a trip foul. Are there going to be plays where two players are next to each other and the offensive player just trips themselves? Sure there are, and that is why you have to have a high level of concentration at all times.
1) Btaylor, saying that "very high level officials" agree with your personal stance is the oldest posting ploy in the world. Your philosophy/opinion should stand on it's merits, and imo this particular philosophy/opinion of your's is meritless- "very high level officials" notwithstanding. We disagree philosophically. It's that simple. Btw, I know a lot of "very high level officials" too. I slept in a Holiday Inn Express last night also. It's true, it's true.....
2) Personally, I really don't worry about selling anything. I worry about getting the call/no call
right. If I know that I've made the right call, I could care less what any coach thinks of it. Any call that goes against their team is wrong from the git-go anyway. Jmo, but it might behoove you to stop worrying so much about what the coaches think when you make a call or ignore incidental contact. If you're looking for approval, you're in the wrong racket.
Again, jmo. Don't take it personally.