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Old Mon Aug 28, 2006, 08:20pm
greymule greymule is offline
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When you watch old films of MLB, among the most prominent of the many striking differences from today's game is the way the umpires made calls. Even in the 1960s, the right arm appears to be up before the ball hits the catcher's mitt. Out calls are also just about immediate.

Undoubtedly this is why the average length of a World Series game was so much shorter in the old days:

1903: 1:48 (Longest game: 2:02)
1909: 1:56
1927: 2:11
1930: 1:49
1932: 2:11
1937: 2:08
1938: 1:59
1939: 1:46 (The first 2 games took a total of 3 hours even!)
1946: 2:34 (The umps were starting to slow down a little)
1960: 2:40
1985: 2:45
2003: 3:21
2004: 3:23
2005: 3:51
(One extra-inning game took 5:41)
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