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Old Mon Aug 28, 2006, 08:09pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Are you talking about a HS tournament? Is it played under NFHS rules?

The NFHS has a guideline in the front of the rules book that states:
1. a 30-second or less flash to bang count calls for the removal of the athletes from the field
2. 30 minutes after the last flash of lightning is observed play may be resumed

However, that is merely a national guideline that serves as a default policy and the local association is supposed to design one of its own that meets its specific needs.

Usually the tournament staff will monitor this and come tell those at each field if they need to cease play and when they may start again. My area does not have a big problem with lightning. I have never had to stop a game in the state of NV for it. I have been to tournaments in ID and FL that have been stopped due to lightning. Each tournament staff took the issue very seriously and had hand held devices to monitor the situation. Both places used the 30 minute rule prior to resumption.
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