Originally Posted by BigJWalt
At 10 years old you have to flag that. At the HS level you can turn an ear as long as its not directed at another player, not horrible, and the fans can not hear it. Lets be honest here, this is football not the chess club....Sometimes young men curse. But at 10 years old, you have to bang them for that.
We have a fairly low tolerance for profanity. If directed at the other team, an official, or loud enough for the crowd to hear, 15 yards. The only time I've seen someone ejected on their first USC for profanity was when he told our U that it was "F***ing bull*@#" and spiked the ball when we called a runner down and not a fumble (he recovered the "fumble").
Our biggest problem, though, is always during the football camps. The local university has our association officiate their scrimmages at the end of the camp. At the end of a week working with college coaches and graduate assistants, they are all swearing like sailors. It takes a few rags at the beginning of the scrimmage to calm them down, but they get back on track. (The college coaches, however, love to hound us for that.)