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Old Mon Aug 28, 2006, 03:18pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by cloverdale
reading the previous postings Nevadaref nailed it...our association wants closed fist...punched fist...secondary signal such as push or block...then throw in spot...
Well each official is going to have to do as instructed by their local area, but there is also going to be a prescribed procedure from the NFHS that should be considered correct nationally. While I have yet to see anything with the NFHS logo on it or that appears in an official publication of the NFHS, I did share what I saw in Referee magazine hoping that it might provide an idea of what may be coming.

Now JR correctly pointed out that in the past that magazine has not been an official source of NFHS rules or mechanics. I thought that I made it clear in my previous post that what I was sharing was not for certain the way the NFHS would be stating to do it when I wrote, "I don't know if it will appear the same way in the NFHS guide or not." If that didn't come across clearly, JR certainly made sure it did.

Additionally, when I made that post I was completely unaware of the new business relationship between Referee Enterprises, Inc. and the NFHS that Rut has detailed. I think that is big news and found it quite interesting. If RM is going to start reproducing official NFHS diagrams and play rulings in its monthly issues, I might even start subscribing.

Furthermore, as I wrote in my previous post I expect this to be in the NFHS preseason guide for basketball which I have yet to see and since I don't work NFHS football as Rut does, I haven't seen that guide either. However, I do officiate NFHS soccer and so have a copy of that preseason guide. Rut's posts made me examine it more closely. Here are some things that I found:
a. on the bottom left of the cover page the logo for Referee appears along with "published by Referee Enterprises, Inc. in cooperation with the NFHS".
b. the top right has "Official publication of the NFHS"
c. the NFHS logo is in the upper left of the cover page
d. The same trademarked PlayPic and MechaniGram inserts as used in Referee Magazine appear throughout the document
e. in the upper left corner of every even numbered page the NFHS logo AND the Referee Ent Inc. logos appear side by side
f. a catalog request card for Referee was tucked inside
I never would have thought to look for any of this stuff without Rut's postings.

So given this new relationship and the timeline for publications, it is not unreasonable to believe that the PlayPic which appeared in the July issue of Referee Magazine could also soon be appearing in the NFHS basketball preseason guide. Due to the publishing deal Ref Ent Inc. has to be aware of some of these official NFHS diagrams before they are distributed to the general public and they could appear in a magazine article a bit in advance. I guess we'll just have to wait a few weeks and see.
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