Originally Posted by Derrick
However, after a made free throw the ball become dead until in the hands of a team for a throw in. So, with that should the sub had enter the game?
If the player made the second free throw, the substitute should be allowed, if that is what you are asking.
If you are asking if the player should have been permitted after the ball was given to the shooter, but before the attempt was converted, the answer is no.
As I understand it, a substitute can enter the game during free throws prior to the last shot that will become a live ball if missed (not sure if I said that right). This means prior to the first shot of a 1-and-1 situation (also prior to the second shot of the 1-and-1), prior to the second shot of a two shot foul, and prior to the third shot of a three shot foul, a substitution can be made, assuming the sub is at the table.
A substitute can also enter to shoot free throws for a technical foul or to replace an injured or disqulified player.
After the last shot of a free throw sequence is completed, a subsitution may also be made.
Is that everything?