Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
FIBA requirements state the English is the officials language and international officials should be able to speak English. I officiated a men's game in 1993 between Cleveland State University and the Polish National Men's Team at CSU. The officiating crew consisted of two USA Basketball officials and an official from Poland; the game was played using NCAA Men's Rules. The official from Poland was a civil engineer (I am a structural engineer) and I am pretty sure that he spoke better English than my partner and I. He told us that no one on the coaching staff or any of the players spoke English. But he did say that all of the players knew how to say and use the F-word in all of its infinite variations. My fellow USA Basketball official and I thought that was very funny.
MTD, Sr.
Mr. DeNucci, F-words are actually becoming the global language
