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Old Mon Jan 14, 2002, 08:53pm
daves daves is offline
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Posts: 201
Originally posted by zebraman
"hey coach..I know you're the head coach of the varsity, but there can only be one head coach allowed per game. In this game, the JV coach is the head coach so you are essentially seat-belted except for cheering the kids on."

If you are nice about it and cheerful, he'll obey you and also respect your rule knowledge. If he continues to get up and griping, you have no choice but to "T" him up because it's the rule and a tool you have to control the game. I have to say, I feel sorry for refs who work in areas where coaches get evaluation input. The situation you described is the exact reason why it doesn't work.

I like your approach to this situation. I had a situation a number of years ago. Varsity coach sitting on bench during JV game. Varsity coach griped about me not calling traveling on the other team in front of his bench in the 1st half. Next time down the court, one of his players travels right in front of me. I call it. He blows a gasket. I give him the T. He keeps going and he gets the second T. He's ejected but doesn't leave right away. I informed him that if he doesn't leave immediately then his team will forfeit. He does leave and the game continues.
After the game, I get my shower and go to the concession stand for a soda and a bag of popcorn. The ejected coach was there and he approached me, wanting to talk about it some more. I told him that the game was over and his team won convincingly. He wanted to know my name so he could report me to my commissioner. I gave him my name as well as the name and number for my commissioner. Our state association has a rule that if a coach or player is ejected then they sit for the next game. This coach was on the bench for the varsity game. It wasn't my position to keep him off the bench for the game. The ejection report had not been filed yet and I did not make an issue of it. Should I have handled this situation differently?
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