Pleas tell me how this happens...
Could you explain how it is that some of these umpires can't (don't) correct some things that have been pointed out in this thread? I don't mean habits that are hard to break, I mean things that just make them look umm..... well... bad.
Example: The guy who didn't trim the straps of his mask.
The guy whose shirt is constantly untucked.
The guy who 'sells' every call he makes. Even obvious plays at first.
The guy who refuses to move up the first baseline on ground balls in the infield.
The guy who is set watching 2nd base intently while the play is on the runner advancing to third.
And one of my all time favorites.... a bounding ball batted foul along the first/third baseline being called 'foul' by PU, U3, and URF/ULF.
If Andy is using the 'best' of the 16 he's receiving from the Reigonal Directors, does he not notice what caliber umps he's getting to choose from? If he can't recognize that, in general, these guys need better training, what does that say for the LL umpire program as a whole?