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Old Fri Aug 25, 2006, 10:03am
rockyroad rockyroad is offline
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
That's funny; the LA papers say that Jeff Kent, the LA 2B, was the one yapping. That don't surprise me at all; he's got a rep as being one of the biggest jerks in beisbol. An account that I read yesterday said the the ump went to Kent and read him the riot act about whining, and Little then went to the ump trying to keep Kent in the game. The SS was never mentioned in the game reports that I read. The Dodger's pitcher, Penny, also has acquired quite a rep for being an all-star whiner also.

Don't forget that youy're getting the home-town version of what happened too.
Oops, you're right - got the SS and 2nd base backwards in my post...guess I've been watching too many Mariners games! (altho we did beat the Yankees again last night)