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Old Wed Aug 23, 2006, 04:08pm
Official99 Official99 is offline
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: NH
Posts: 87
I think you guys are misunderstanding what I mean by "talking to the players".

I don't speak directly to an individual player unless I am answering a question or warning them and at that time I am doing just that. When I said I like talking to the players, I like talking to them as a group. For example, when I am the lead and administering a free throw, I will tell the players "good hustle gentlemen" or when I breaking up a loose ball dive, I will say something like "strong work boys." I very rarely say something to an individual player or team, I try and keep my encouragement comments to all the players on the court. And if the post play is getting rough I will say something like "fella's keep in legal."

So, hopefully you understand, I am not kissing up or sucking up to any players.