I won't take issue with this topic since Jim (SoCalBlue1) has already stated what I believe...use what you've been instructed to use, do it well and teach others.
I do have a problem with this statement:
Originally Posted by CoachJM
While I would agree that the players' bear a responsibility for understanding the situation (and their coaches bear the responsibility of teaching them), I don't understand how the players can be held responsible for reading the umpire's mind.
Most coaches teach their players to keep acting on the play until they hear otherwise. Foul balls, foul tips, missed bases, etc - they are all part of waiting for the appropriate call to be made. Don't you insist that a player keeps running until he hears an umpire yell foul? That runner on second should have his head down and be looking to score on a shot down the right field line...he's not waiting to read a mind. Sorry, but that just kind of irked me.