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Old Mon Jan 14, 2002, 02:45pm
Jim Porter Jim Porter is offline
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Originally posted by Bfair
What a shame when a board moderator (please correct me if I am wrong, Garth) has to initiate the taking of cheapshot slams in an effort to drum up a little interest in their board.

This is, indeed, the type of personal insult most moderators wish to rid their boards of...........

Apparently the eUmpire staff not only promotes it but feels the need to initiate personal attack.
I hope all understand your post, Garth, for what it truly is............
And soon I would expect you to claim innocence and speak of how your staff is regularly attacked, and how your comments must be restrained to proper conduct as a moderator..........

Wouldn't it be better as a moderator to just initiate some good baseball content---as Pete has tried to do in initiating the thread?

What a joke.......I'll give you credit for being better on the field.

Just my opinion,

I'm not Garth but I'll correct you. Garth Benham is neither an eUmpire staff member nor a moderator of this forum. He is a visitor just like you.
Jim Porter
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