You go with where he possessed the ball for the momentum exception or not, not marking the instant he first touched it. 8-5-1 says "intercepts, recovers, or catches" when referring to the ball, and that means possession. If it is that close where he is right at the goal line, I have a TB, not a bean bag down at the 2 foot line. Possession includes contacting the ground, so he had beeter have the ball secured and be contacting the ground at the 1 yard line or outside of it before I would have a bean bag down.
Now last year I did have one like that on a KO, but it was possessed at the 3 yardline as he was going backwards fast to catch it and he did bring it out. I had to explain to the coach how he could bring it out the EZ and he was fine with it after I did.
Last edited by MJT; Tue Aug 22, 2006 at 07:20am.