Originally Posted by LLPA13UmpDan
Dave as an LL umpire and former player, i agree with you. The pitch count rule i think is stupid. LL has never had it in the 60 years of the program. I dread next year if im the umpire and something comes up. No wonder some people wanna go away from the LL program.  Who even came up with this idea. More work for everybody. I havent seen any problems with out the pitch count rule. So why screw up already bad rules. 
1. Because too many dumb $%%##& managers let kids go 120+ pitches, including breaking balls.
2. Innings mean next to nothing at this age - it's number and type of pitches that ruin the arm.
3. LL counted pitches at the regiona and WS level a couple years ago and were stressed over what they saw. As I recall at least half the kids who went 6 innings threw 100+ pitches. Wasn't it the FL team who let the kid go close to 140?
Keeping track is easy. Our local league uses the $7.95 click counters & record the total each inning. Zero issues in two years.
Posisitve note is zero kids out with injured arms from over use and 25% more kids being developed as pitchers.