Ejection during a Home Run
This is mens slow pitch ASA. one man
During the game, I had a team that was full of jerks....every call was questioned. In the 5th inning, there was a bang bang play at first. I called the runner safe. The first baseman loudly complained and was teetering the line with his comments. Next batter flew out which ended the inning.
The first baseman was the lead off batter next inning. He is still talking about the play. As he steps into the batters box, I inform him that I have heard his thoughts on the play and that I had heard enough from him.
Next pitch is hit over the fence for a Home Run. The player kicks dirt and covers home plate with dirt and says "Take that Blue" As he is rounding first, he kicks dirt on first. I tell him not to do it again. The player turns and gives me the middle finger. I eject him at this point.
My question is....does the run count? He was tossed before crossing home.
I really didn't know whether to count the run.
After getting responses, I'll let you know if I made the right call or not.