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Old Tue Aug 15, 2006, 09:01pm
Dave Hensley Dave Hensley is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 768
Originally Posted by sj
My nephew is playing as we speak in the little world series in bangor. They are in the fifth inning and Venuzuela has stopped the game with some sort of question about a substitution. My question is not what the rule is but the announcers on the radio are saying that the LL officials on site are calling the Little league home office in Williamsport and their are rule books being pulled out and such.

My question goes to how they are handling itself. I do football and basketball and cannot imagine pulling out rule books and calling home offices while a game is going on, Is this a baseball thing?
What you were observing was the LL tournament version of resolving a formal protest. The protesting manager basically has an expedited escalation process all the way through (1) the umpires on the field, (2) the tournament director, (3) the regional director, and (4) the Tournament Committee in Williamsport. As long as the protesting manager refuses to accept the decision of a lower level, he has the 100% right to escalate to the next level.

During the early part of the tournament, it can result in lots and lots of calls going to Williamsport, and sometimes delays of an hour or more before a final resolution.
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