Originally Posted by BretMan
I've also seen some baseball players struggle defensively with the larger ball. I think that one reason is some of them are still using their 11" infielders gloves from their baseball days. Get that man a softball glove!
Don't necessarily buy the "glove" theory. The glove is just there to stop the ball.
I believe the biggest difference is in the mechanics. Softball players go down for a ground ball and throw from whatever position is necessary to get the ball where it needs to be. Many baseball-oriented infielders will reach down, bring the ball up and throw from an upright position.
Also, baseball players will often just place the gloved ball in front of the base on a tag play. Softball players have a tendency to reach or move toward the runner to make the tag before s/he even gets near the base. I often get the:
Umpire: OUT!
Runner: High tag, Blue
Umpire: Yep.
Runner: You can't call me out on a high tag!
Umpire: The tag was before you got to the base.
Runner: Yeah, but it was a high tag!
Umpire: Here's your sign!!!
Okay, so I added the last line for effect