Thread: "star system"
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Old Sun Jan 13, 2002, 12:55am
JRutledge JRutledge is online now
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Re: Re: Did you see his interview.

Originally posted by eroe39

Rutledge, Dick Bavetta, and others with his same seniority and playoff status, with bonuses and all makes close to 300,000 a year plus he has a retirement plan waiting for him. John Clougherty and others like him I have heard make around 120,000 a year with no retirement plan. A young college official just starting in D1 might make 20,000 while a rookie in the NBA makes around 90,000. I would hardly say that college officials make about the same. I have not heard of any college officials being asked to work the NBA and turning it down. Valentine was in the NBA program at one time but was never hired. I am not saying that NBA officials are better than the Valentine's, Hillary's, Cloughterty's ect. College and pro basketball are totally different games. I am sure Valentine is a better college official than a Bob Delaney and I am sure Delaney is a better pro official than a Valentine.

But you are assuming that the money is what is driving them to do it. That my friend is a big mistake. And $300,000 is for the very few. Not every official is going to make that. That is for the officials that stay around for several years. And the John Cloughtery's of the world, have other jobs. And who cares about a retirement plan if you have one of your own. You act like you cannot invest your own money. Bill Gates does not have a retirement plan I am sure, but he has as much money in his portfolio than his yearly salary.

And also, many of the NCAA Officials have other jobs, and do not have the travel schedule that an NBA Official has. How many things do they miss as compared to a D1 official that has more of the year to themselves. And better yet, a Big 10 Official for the most part lives in the Midwest for the most part. They are not travelling all over the country from New York to LA to Miami back to San Antonio all in a week or two. It is alot easier to go to Ann Arbor, then to Madison, then to Bloomington. And as an NBA ref, you might not have a job. So the pool of individuals that would even come close to making that kind of money year in, year out is very slim.
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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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