Two Runners at First
Saw a MLB play the other night that got me thinking - usually an indicator of trouble ahead...
With no outs and R1, a very soft flare is hit to F4. R1 must have seen the sparkle in F4's eyes, because F4 lets the ball fall at his feet untouched, and R1 was never more than a stride off first base. As F4 picks up the ball, R1 steps back onto the bag, and then BR touches first as he runs 20 feet past it. F4 is still holding the ball.
Is the BR out at this point for passing the runner ahead of him?
What if the sequence was: As F4 picks up the untouched ball, BR touches first as he runs 20 feet past it, then R1 steps back onto the bag with F4 still holding the ball.
Who's out? BR again?