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Old Sun Aug 13, 2006, 10:33am
wadeintothem wadeintothem is offline
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Originally Posted by shipwreck
If THAT is nit picky, I'd love to see what you would call a blatant illegal act by a pitcher. You can see from the video that the pitcher is starting completely on the left outside part of the PP if even both feet ARE within the PP width. You can clearly see how wide the plate is and it is 17" wide, and another 3.5" on each side should equal the width of the PP. Extend the edges of the plate out for a reference point. She steps WAY outside of this. Dave
You can see in that video the exact width of that pitcher plate and where she is starting on that plate?

Youre pretty good.

All I'm saying is I dont see any conclusive evidence of anything in that video, and from what i can tell in some scratchy 2 second video is a POSSIBLE IP, if so, ever so slight. Its a big big maybe, not callable from that video from what I can see.

Edit to add my "for the record":

The foot must be COMPLETELY outside the 24" PP.. so its nit picky to call based on a possible 1/2" -1" IMO. For one you are guessing nearly 4 inches without reference point, add another 4 inches for the full width of the foot.. so unless a pitchers throws herself WAY outside, you just cant tell and if you are guessing 1/2-1" under those CONDITIONS, you are being nit picky.

The call is NOT makable by that video shipwreck, not with any honest looking at it.

Last edited by wadeintothem; Sun Aug 13, 2006 at 10:46am.
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