Sat Aug 12, 2006, 03:44pm
In Memoriam
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Hell
Posts: 20,211
Originally Posted by Dan_ref
What Chuck did not mention - maybe he was visited by goons enforcing the will of the power structure? - is both Schilling's & Tiant's first name have exactly 4 letters, and the second letter of both is a U. Interestingly enough, our current president's last name has exactly 4 letters...and the second letter is U. The letters S & T play a prominment role as well. Look at the last letter of each first name...Curt and Luis and the first letter of each last name Schilling and Tiant. S, T and U.
Freaky coincidence?...or wide ranging conspiracy of the corrupt power elite??
You decide.
Hold on, there's something going on outside...what the...hey! what are you people doing! You just can't come in here and arrest me like th.......euweuweuwuuu.....@!#^$*!*...&%@#$@$@.....
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