Originally Posted by MNBlue
In table 3-1, it states: The head coach is responsible for his team being on the field for mandatory warm-up time a the end of the scheduled halftime intermission.
As a result, the Mandatory Warm up period of 3 minutes should start at the end of the halftime intermission. If BOTH teams are not on the field, we invoke rule 9.8.1.g, and penalize the violating team a 15 yard unsportsmanklike conduct penalty. We synch the start of the halftime intermission with a coach for each team and they know to be out on the field when the clock runs down to zeroes.
REPLY: Mark...how do you handle this situation? 15 minute intermission expires and the blue team is nowhere to be seen (you've got a foul). You start the three-minute clock. Blue arrives when the 3-minute clock is at 1:00. When do you start the second half?