Originally Posted by Andy
Called this same thing in a HS game last year.
Pitching coach asks me..."then how is she supposed to throw a screwball?"
Followed by..."is that rule in the book?" 
This is what always amazes me about doing HS ball....I had a 7/8th grade game...May 31..last day of the season...This one team is the cornerstone of the local HS powerhouse program. Up until this season, the 7th/8th grade coach was a GREAT guy...an umpire himself, who always treated you with respect, and of course, actually knew the rules! Unfortunately John Bell contracted a rare stomach infection, and suddenly passed on this last December....truly is missed!

Partially because now, this team had a real idiot coaching who was as clueless as any coach I have ever seen..which is saying plenty!
Anyways, in this game...the final game of the season...one of his batters gets a pitch which bounces up to towards to,and then hits her, and the kid never moves a muscle; so, of course I call , "DEAD BALL, BATTER STAYS THERE, NO ATTEMPT!" Well, this guy goes bananas! His assistant calms him down before I can eject him, and we continue....I knew then that that program is in BIIIIG trouble...
and oh yes, one of the other teams kid later gets a similar pitch, jumps up,and the ball still hits her, so I make a big show of the "DEAD BALL"- pointing to first business, looking directly at the coach......I am so bad

...he unsurprisingly got fired after the season...