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Old Mon Aug 07, 2006, 11:11pm
IceGator8 IceGator8 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 123
While I can't speak for the umpires in the Little League Association I can speak highly of my fellow umpires who handled the Pacific Southwest Regionals for Cal Ripkin. (Affiliated with Babe Ruth League competitor with Little League). With one exception all the umpires were very good. Most had high school, legion, or higher experience. Also most of them worked babe ruth or higher level games during the regular season with a few Cal Ripkin games thrown in so they could tune up for the tourney's. Only the best in my association work the regionals and getting chosen is a considered a big honor.

In most cases the decision to work youth ball for my peers in the state and regional C.R. tourney is that high school and legion ball no longer fits in their work schedule. Not everyone can get off at two or three to get to a high school game. I quit doing high school because of job conflicts.

I think that the quality of an official who chooses to work small ball tourney's probably varies by region. In my assoc. the newer umps work the small ball during the regular season and gradually work their way up to Babe Ruth/Pony. As an umpire starts to advance he usually will work upper level games with an older, more experienced umpire who can give them pointers and help them work on their mechanics. We also have a great preseason training program that consists of six weekly meetings and one on the field session. A lot of our younger umpires use our association as a springboard to get started in high school and legion ball. A decent percentage of our veteran umpires still umpire at the high school level. A majority of those that aren't currently working high school ball did in the past and for whatever reason (mostly work related) choose not to work it anymore. All umpires in our association are required to wear a proper uniform or they do not get games.


Last edited by IceGator8; Mon Aug 07, 2006 at 11:26pm.
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