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Old Mon Aug 07, 2006, 10:34pm
fastpitch fastpitch is offline
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That just opens up the "It's about the players, not about the coaches or the umpires". If you are intimidated every time a coach protests, ... As a former coach, I have very little tolerance of a demonstrative coach that does not know the rules but if they approach in a professional manner they should be treated with the same respect we demand.

After 10 years of coaching travel ball, this was the appeal I most remember and totally agree with Mike - the poor PU had no clue - the other team had out played us to that point. I prefer to remember the ones where we won the tournament outright. I've served as a youth fastpitch tournament director where I kept the protest fee, etc ,etc.

All I can hope for is to get better at umpiring every game - reading this forum helps but there is certainly no substitute for game experience.
Mike R Suwanee, GA
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