Mon Aug 07, 2006, 08:52pm
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Originally Posted by fastpitch
The worst or best depending on your perspective, appeal I ever made was in an ISA tournament - we were losing the semi final to an inferior team, 30 seconds remaining confirmed with PU, 2 outs, no runners on base. I told the PU I would like to just take the out for the next batter and proceed to the next inning. He let me do it and the other team did not complain until after we beat them by several runs in the next inning. They never put up the money to protest, though there was a lot of discussion after the game, and we went on to win the tournament.
That is disgusting! A team should not have to pay to get an umpire to do the job correctly.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.