Thread: The Arbiter
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Old Sun Aug 06, 2006, 08:31am
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Rich Rich is offline
Get away from me, Steve.
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Originally Posted by zebraman
Ballpark figure of about $4.00 or $5.00 per official per year.

I made the choice to use Arbiter this spring for baseball assigning.

The point where it goes from $6 to $5 per official is 80, at least it was for us. $400 for 80 officials, $49 for the payroll package, and $25 for a second assignor.

You are free to add/delete officials as you need to, so if you have some fill-ins who don't regularly officiate, you can delete those users after paying them and use the spots for other officials.

There has been some backlash from those that miss the "personal" nature of the previous assigner, but I couldn't care less about that. My job is to be as efficient as possible, and Arbiter has paid for itself in the postage we HAVEN'T used in mailing out schedules, like the previous assigner used to do.

For a total cost of $474, our assigning has been so much easier this season and I wouldn't do it Arbiter or a similar program again.
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