Originally posted by wmwhelan
I thought the ruling is that if there are not two opposing in the blocks when the shooter is ready, it is a violation on the first shot (player shoots again if missed.) You then give a delay T if players not in blocks for second shot.
Only when using the resuming-play procedure (i.e., after a timeout for this situation). After a TO, if B is not present in the lower blocks, A1 can shoot. If the shot misses, B needs to be in place for the substitute throw, or you have a team T. If the first shot is good, second shot proceeds as normal (with or without B), and if a replacement is required, you T if B is not at the line. (10.1.5 A)
During normal play, B is told to line up properly. If they delay or refuse, a team T is assessed. (10.1.5 C)