Originally Posted by Dakota
OK, if I make a few assumptions, (name / location of the UIC giving the ruling is the assumption)...
In response to an email from an umpire in FL requesting a ruling, Wayne F., the North Florida UIC, issued the ruling that the hands must be wiped after going to the resin bag.
This is not from the NUS for that region (Max Wilkes?).
Again, speaking ASA (not NCAA). Has there been an NUS ruling on this?
There is a casebook ruling from the 2004 rule book that I had printed out that says, 6F.6-5 Resin is for drying the hands only. It does not say that the pitcher must wipe the hands.
It does cover apply the resin to the ball itself or to the glove.
Quote, "The pitcher places resin directly on the ball or in the glove and resin transfers to the ball and pitches it before the umpire can stop play."
Ruling Illegal Pitch. Resin is used to dry the hands only.
Now, to me it is a judgement call by the Ump as to whether F1 has so much resin on their hand that they need to wipe some of it off or not. But there is no ruling that says that F1 HAS to wipe the hand before pitching.