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Old Fri Jan 11, 2002, 12:45pm
Hawks Coach Hawks Coach is offline
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I watched the game, Coach K deserved the original T. But then he was pulled away from the refs, sat down, and next gets up and gets the crowd going (with nothing more than a loud roar - he wasn't leading a ref you suck cheer). We all know why he did it, but I don't think that is unsporting. The crowd had bee doing the B***SH** cheer originally, and if he leads that he is out of line. But there is no rule against rousing a crowd to get back in the game and get loud again, regardless of the reason he wants it to happen. It looked kind of ugly because he was still POd, but that doesn't make it unsportsmanlike. He is going to use the full force of that loud student body behind his team to make that gym unbearable for the opposition. He's at home in the ACC. The crowd got very loud, but was not even booing they - were just screaming their lungs out.

I really thought he did it to pick his team back up (with 4 shots and ball going to Gtech there is a potential momentum shift, and his team responded to this noise), remind the refs that it is a Duke home game (not that it should matter, but all coaches in those kind of arenas believe a vocal partisan crowd will help buy them a couple of calls), and to get on the nerves of Gtech FT shooter. I was proud of Marvin Lewis for cooly knocking down the 2 FTs in that situation, especially since I am a coaching colleague of his father.

[Edited by Hawks Coach on Jan 11th, 2002 at 11:48 AM]
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