This is Atlumpsteve's reply from another forum
the rule on resin, being used "to dry the hand". One dries the hand because it is wet. It is wet because the pitcher is perspiring, or it is raining. What are you doing wiping off the "dry" with something that is likely wet?
To be clear, the pitcher may not apply any foreign substance to the ball; if the pitcher puts any foreign substance (including resin) in the glove, it must be wiped off before the ball is put in the glove. Resin is included only because putting it in the glove doesn't meet the inteent of resin; to dry the hand. If any foreign substance OTHER THAN RESIN is put on the hand, it must be wiped off. That is using resin under the supervision of the umpire to dry the hand. Wiping it off doesn't dry the hand.
Thanks Steve
NFHS, PONY, Babe Ruth, LL, NSA
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"In the big-inning"