Originally Posted by Striker991
Wow...what a backlash....
Alright you guys....if you feel that strongly...then, how about this?
No more demeaning and belittling those that do small ball and are willing to make the commitment to it.
No more demeaning and belittling the organizations that are created for the purpose of allowing all those that want to the ability to play.
If you aren't willing to be a part of the betterment of these organizations and those that commit their time and efforts without recompense to them, then
I have an idea for you, grow some sack.
If you do not want people to talk badly, talk down about or belittle the youth ball, then either help change the type of people that run these leagues all over the country, or get over it. Many people talk badly about youth leagues because of their direct and personal experiences. I have had people beg me and many others to work these games. Many pass at all costs. So if you do not like the banter, you have a lot of people to convince and if you talk to many officials off this site, we are being very kind in our positions about these leagues. In every sport I work, officials hate working these leagues other than the "weekend warrior" types that want to spend an entire weekend away from their family while chasing a couple of hundred bucks.