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Old Wed Jul 26, 2006, 10:53pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by johnnyrao
Rule 4-6-1 says it is basket interference when a player "touches the ball or any part of the basket (including the net) while the ball is on or within either basket."


In the original post I think the correct call is basket interference. Since the ball went in then no call is correct, but I really don't think the rules support a technical foul in this situation. Anyone have any other thoughts?
1. Good that you answered your own question about the net being part of the basket. Now you will always know that one.

2. As far as the BI call goes, now you understand why I asked REFVA these questions earlier in the thread! Unfortunately, he only answered the last one. So right now, we just don't know.

Originally Posted by Nevadaref

2.) Some questions about your particular play:
Could you please specify what you mean by the underlined part?
Is the ball ON/touching the ring or is it merely ABOVE the ring IN the imaginary cylinder?
Lastly, was this 2-man or 3, and were you Lead, C, or Trail on this play?
Until REFVA responds and tells us exactly where the ball was when the player grabbed the net, we can't say if BI should have been called or not.
However, we do know that it is a technical foul in either case. If the ball was ON or within the basket, then calling BOTH BI and a T is correct. If the ball was above the ring and not touching it, then the T is still correct, and BI would only be called if the grasping of the net pulled down the movable ring and it contacted the ball prior to returning to its normal position.
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