Originally Posted by JRutledge
With all do respect that is wrong. This is a judgment call. I think this "get it right" perspective goes too far some times. Of course you have to get it right, but judgment calls are just that "A judgment call." You cannot come in and change that even if you think it is wrong. All you can do is give information and use that information to help make the call. This is why I cannot stand this "we have to get it right" point of view. Of course we have to get the play right, that is what we are there for in the first place. When you need to give more influence is when you are going to totally mess up a rule. This is not one of those situations.
Thanks for speaking on this. "Getting it right" refers more to rules than another person's judgement, IMO. How can one ref tell another what he\she saw was wrong if they are focusing on their own responsibilities on the court? If it is a call in the 'gray areas' on the court, that is one thing (basically free throw line area). Anywhere else on the court, it had better be an 'Oh My Goodness!!!!!!!!

' play in order for another partner to come and get it. Again, just my opinion.