Thread: Ejections
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Old Tue Jul 25, 2006, 03:16am
pdxblue pdxblue is offline
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Posts: 164
Originally Posted by Tim C
Humans are people.

People umpire baseball.

Umpires have different lengths of fuses.

How does an umpire know IF his partner is just not near his limit or if he is "ignoring" an important issue.

I am sure that I have a different tolerance level for comments than other umpires. It does not mean I am "doing nothing" about comments -- the comments just aren't in my "problem area."

So now we have some umpires that say they would insert themselves into my issue -- why would anyone do that? I handle my own issues . . . I don't need help from anyone.

Sorry Tim, I see far too many guys letting stuff go far too long, and then the game goes to crap!

I am NOT saying that you jump right in. But there comes a point when enough is enough.

I am not generally a short fuse, except for a few things. Personal insults to ANYBODY on the field, profanity, intimidation, threats, taunting all warrant QUICK FIXING.

Tim, if we are working together, and any of this is going on, and you aren't doing anything about it, I WILL!!! Count on it.

If a coach is just complaing a bit about your strike zone () I will probably let that go for a while. I might after a while ask why you aren't doing something about it if he keeps it up for more than a couple of innings. After that, I will probably warn him about arguing balls/strikes if you haven't.

I don't care for the old school attitude that says we have to take a bunch of crap from coaches! I have NEVER seen a job description for a coach which included something like: "Let the umpire know that you think his strike zone is horrible while standing either in the 3rd base coaching box, or on the dugout bench". I see NOWHERE in any rule book, umpiring manual, etc that says I must put up with crap.

I have found that looking to give a warning early in the game makes the rest of the game go much better (if any warning is even needed). Take control early, and with a fairly heavy hand, you hear FAR less crap in the late innings of a tight game! I have seen far too many umpires "let it go" early, and have situations blow up in the last two innings.

I seriously doubt that states would have needed to impose suspensions and fines if umpires many years ago had put the hammer down on complaining. Umpires "long fuses" do a disservice to the game of baseball and further the culture of poor sportsmanship.
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