Originally Posted by SeanFitzRef
My partner deemed this play a 'pass'. Player got two shots, if he hits both we go to overtime. The other partner and myself (three-person) wanted to bring him over to confer, but he said "pass" right away. Kid missed the first, made the second. Game over.
After the game, we discussed the play, and came to the conclussion that we should have given three shots on the play, for the sheer stupidity of the p[layer on team A for fouling in that situation!!! 
You should still have gotten together and helped your partner see the error of his ways, I don't care if he said "pass" on the play.
Our number one responsibility is to get the call right, sure you would have taken some major heat from the coach, but that is our job. We all have brain farts out on the court, we need be strong/good partners and help each other out when this happens.