Thread: Error on Monk?
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Old Mon Jul 24, 2006, 11:42am
tjones1 tjones1 is offline
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Originally Posted by bluezebra
After the phantom last 2 second TO, they put the ball in play at half court...I believe this an NBA rule.

The officials allowed Coach Monk to blow a whistle on the bench during the game...One official took the whistle away.

Has FED changed the style for officials' shirts?

And I can't believe a HS varsity team wouldn't have at least one assistant coach. When the original coach died, she/he would take over. Or at least a regular staff member at the school.

I was wondering if anyone was going to comment on how they allowed him a whistle and he was blowing it during play.

I also noticed these officals were wearing the grey pin-striped shirts!!


FED has not changed the style of the shirts; they are still black and white stripes.