How can I get on the FED Rules Committee ?
I'm sure the people on the committee now, try very hard to do a good job.
But when you read the rules, especially some of the new rules, it becomes blatantly obvious that the current members of the committee have NEVER had to enforce the rules.
They are usually too vague, and don't deal with the actual specifics that umpires deal with on a day to day basis.
Take the new Throat Protector rule for Umpires. Does it apply to Masks only ? Masks without an extended cage ? Umpire Style Helmets (which all have extended cages) ? Or do we assume that because no designation was made, it applies to all face / head protection ?
There should also be a clause next to all the unenforceable rules they put out which says, "We know this is ridiculous micro management of what should be common sense. We also know that it will be almost impossible for umpires to enforce this rule, but we had to put it in the rules to cover our butt's (too bad for the umpire involved) if something happens."
It just seems like they need some members that are currently in the trenches !
Have Great Games !